Modern slavery act and human trafficking statement


Pharma Biomedical Clinic supports efforts to combat, prohibit and prevent slavery and human trafficking.

As provider operating healthcare technology and using global network of affiliated companies our organisation recognises that it has a responsibility to take a approach to slavery and human trafficking and is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking.

All our local and national activities are scrutinised to the highest standard by our team to ensure that our suppliers, partners and affiliated companies reflects our values and respect for human rights.

This statement sets out the steps taken by our organisation to educate and spread the message of all potential modern slavery risks related to business. We have put in place policies and procedures that are aimed at ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our business, or our supply chain and procurement network. We source our services, products, packaging to support our healthcare professionals, members and society for a heathier future. We have adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for every member of our staff globally and partners.

The organisation already has an established due diligence programme in those areas of the supply chain where we know there may be a heightened risk of modern slavery. We have conducted audits by a specialist third party on the majority of suppliers in potentially the highest risk areas. Where no report has been completed, we will look to undertake an independent audit and in the interim period, have requested a declaration confirming their commitment to the Modern Slavery Act. As part of our new supplier onboarding process, we access any risk of modern slavery and will conduct audits where deemed necessary. It is also a requirement of any third-party provider to demonstrate their compliance of the Modern Slavery Act.

Policies and code of conduct of all employees and suppliers:-

Understand what messages, business incentives or guidance can be given to suppliers and other business partners and contractors to implement anti-slavery policies.

We have contacted our suppliers who all comply with Modern Slavery Act with the same ethical values and where we will carry out no notice checks for compliance, due to this we are perceived as low risk locally and internally.

Kalpesh Vyas

Chairman – Pharma Biomedical Clinic

We would welcome any comments or questions about our statement

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